By: Rain Jacob

Our GCA Eagles girls’ volleyball team recently captured the championship title, continuing their impressive winning streak of seven years. When asked how it felt to be champions, Captain Taehee Kim acknowledged feeling immense pride and pressure to maintain the Eagles’ dominance, “It’s a huge accomplishment to keep up the championship legacy,” she remarked. Outside hitter, Bea Fabre, echoed the thrill of victory after tireless hard work developing the team’s skills and chemistry, “It feels so good and our dedication paid off.”

Discussing tactics, Middle blocker, Azzy Fatialofa, explained that rather than relying on aggressive spikes, as expected, the team implemented an element of surprise by strategically tipping and placing shots in open spots to catch their opponents off guard to capitalize on points.

Regarding key success factors, Captain, Eunice Pagaduan, highlighted their extensive training and the focused mindset of Coaches C. and Izel as hugely beneficial. Opposite hitter, Alyssa Omampo, emphasized team chemistry and skill development. Eunice noted, “Even if you have all the skills, putting together the mindset will make everything work out.” Bea admitted that losing a set was initially tough, but their coaches intervened by uplifting morale to enable them to perseve. Eunice stressed that communication was also a critical strategy: “Without it, we’d be playing as individuals, not as a team.”

For aspiring players, Eunice advised never to doubt yourself – winning takes gradual growth. In the same vein, Alyssa recommended embracing teamwork. Together, the Lady Eagle’s skills, strategies, and unwavering spirit powered their championship dream into an epic reality. As Bea put it, “Think about how you’ll help the team – don’t assume you can’t do it.” This exemplifies the winning mindset of our champions.

Photo Credit: Alyssa Omampo

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