By: Eubin Park

Talent comes in all different shapes and sizes, but everyone is talented in their own unique way. On March 3, several GCA students had the opportunity to display their prowess in front of a thunderous crowd of cheering friends and family. The night was filled with delicious snacks catered by the senior class, heavy cheers and laughter from the crowd, and an impressive showcase of talents.

Both elementary and high school students consistently practiced weeks before the talent show in order to perfect their craft to be showcased. The senior class worked tirelessly to direct rehearsals and outline the occasion. On the night of the talent show, performers’ friends and family members were encouraged to gather in the GCA chapel to witness the exciting event. Performers were nervous, audience members were ecstatic, and all the God-given talents were on full display. Although the night started out chaotic and disorganized, the night ended with satisfaction among everyone involved in the event. The energy in the chapel was triumphant. It was a night to remember for all who attended.

The GCA talent show was an incredible experience that highlighted the capabilities of GCA students. It was also a great way to encourage students to hone their craft and gain confidence in their ability to showcase it. Thank you to everyone who made this night possible and enjoyable.